How To Work Your Position In Poker – Compare different positions

The trap that most players fall into when they’re playing no limit hold’em is varying their bets. Against a good player, varying your bet (which includes just limping in) is a big tell that illustrates your holdings to better players. One way to work around this is to vary your action based on what position you’re in.
Getting It Up
The reason that you don’t want to limp is because it’s not simply that it’s a sign of weakness, but also because it doesn’t win you much if you do catch. Also, it’s important to remember that when you make a raise, you get a big psychological advantage as being the raiser in the pot. Even if your opponent does catch top pair with a bad kicker or second pair, you might still be able to shake them off with a continuation bet. If you’ve got a good enough hand to play, you have a good enough hand to raise.
Changing Positions
In bed, positions have been made, practiced, and perfected over thousands of years. While some are built for control, others are built for stimulating specific parts of the body. But it can be dangerous to try things that a certain position was made for. Aggressive grinding in the jackhammer position can lead to whiplash, I imagine. And if you thrust too rapidly in some of the more acrobatic Kama Sutra positions, whiplash might be the least of your worries. This translates well with poker: if you do what you’re supposed to do when you’re in a given position, you’ll reduce your risk of getting hurt. The changing of the positions for playing pkv games is beneficial for the people. The use of the right methods will offer the players to select the right table. The number of bonuses and rewards is high at the online poker table. The understanding of the position is great to have the benefits.
Acting Appropriately
If you keep in mind some reasonable standards of play, where you’re tight in the front positions and get progressively looser as you get further back, then you can integrate those standards to harmonize with your position and make a standard bet.
Early position & Blinds
Because you have to spend the rest of the hand acting first, it’s a good idea to make a raise that doesn’t commit too much, between 2½ to 3 bets.
Mid position
Hopefully, you’ll be the first one in by now and there’s less chance of a re-raise, so you want to bump up the bet to maybe even steal the blinds, between 3 and 3½ bets.
Mid/late position
At this point, you want to intimidate the people behind you so that you get position on anyone foolish enough to stick around, between 3½ and 4 bets.
Because raising from this position is commonplace, it’s important to make a bet that will either be effective to that end or will be too big to re-raise, between 4 and 4½.
Remember to pick a number between the limits above and stick to them. Even subtle changes in your betting pattern are detectable and exploitable.
Positioning Yourself For Success
Standardizing your bets is a powerful way to camouflage the strength of your hand and get value for them. I’m sure your remember what Doyle Brunson advocated in the no limit hold’em chapter of Super System, that he likes to call under the gun with both suited connectors and pocket aces so that people are afraid of raising his limp. While that’s a splendid example of the type of camouflage I’m talking about, you might find that raising and getting more than just the blinds for your aces is slightly more agreeable than getting a pittance.